Friday, May 2, 2014

Do's and Don't's of Baby Shopping For First Time Parents

Before we had our son, my husband and I bought pretty much every baby item and toy we could get our hands on to make sure that we had everything we would need.  We ended up buying way more stuff than we actually ended up using and spent way too much money in the process.  If you're expecting your first baby, I have some advice on what you'll use and what you probably won't use.  Keep in mind, I'm only going over stuff that you will need for an infant, fresh out of the hospital. Of course, some of the needs for your child we'll change in a matter of months.  I'll post a second blog on what you will need for the older babies later on.  So, if you're wondering why I left out high chairs, teething rings,etc. I'm saving those for later.

Do Buy

Crib or Bassinet
Obviously, the baby needs somewhere to sleepDoctors urge against co-sleeping.  I've heard stories about women in the past putting their babies to sleep in a dresser drawer, but now that we have easily affordable cribs and bassinets we shouldn't have to resort to that.

If you ever plan on walking for any long distance with your baby, get a stroller. It beats the alternative of having to lug a squirmy baby around when you're in the mall.

Car Seat
Duh!  They make sure you have one before you leave the hospital.  If you don't have one before the baby arrives, most hospitals will provide you with a car seat.

Boppy Pillow

I never had one of these for my son, so I always thought they were kind of superfluous.  My daughter was given one at the hospital to take home and we used it so much.  My daughter was a bit developmentally delayed because she had spent her first 2 months in a hospital lying on her back recovering from surgeries.  Propping her up in her boppy pillow helped her gain lots of neck strength and helped her learn how to sit up on her own.  They're also great for practicing tummy time.  I definitely recommend getting a boppy pillow if you have a preemie baby or any baby who may have developmental delays.  My daughter's physical therapist recommends them as well.

These have been proven to be beneficial in stimulating babies color and pattern recognition.  Plus, it gives them something to look at while they're falling asleep.

Sleep Sack/ Swaddles

When we brought my son home we had to swaddle him up the old-fashioned way using a blanket.  My daughter was also given several of these in the hospital to take home with us and I'm not sure what we would have done without them.  My daughter still uses hers.  Not only does your child fall asleep faster, but they seem to sleep more soundly.  Both of my babies have slept through the night since we brought them home and I credit swaddling as a huge factor in that.  Swaddles also prevent the need to put a blanket in the crib to keep them warm.  You can also use them to calm your baby down if they get fussy.  It works like a charm every time.

Tummy Time Mat
Get your baby a Tummy Time mat that includes toys that hang overhead for your baby to reach for.  The best ones also come with a little cushion to help prop them up for extra practice.  Tummy time is great for encouraging crawling skills.  Reaching up for the toys allows babies to practice their grasping skills.

Baby Swing
God bless the inventor of the baby swing.  They're fun for the baby.  It keeps them entertained.  It also has the ability to calm them down and put them to sleep.  Baby swings can do almost anything.

Baby Grooming KIt/ First Aid Kit
When buying stuff for your new baby, don't forget to pick up a simple baby grooming and/or first aid kit.  Johnson & Johnson and other baby product companies sell kits that include baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, baby nail clippers, thermometers, etc.  There's lots of useful stuff in these so pick one up before your new baby arrives.

Don't Need To Buy

Diaper Genie
If you have a trash can with a lid then, congratulations, you have a diaper genie!  All a diaper genie is is a trashcan with a lid and foot pedal to open the lid with.  Plus, you get to buy special bags to put in them that are much more expensive than trash bags.  One of the worst inventions ever.  Total waste of money.

Changing Table

Not only are changing tables completely useless, they can also be dangerous.  All it takes is turning your back for a second and you're baby can roll of of it and be injured.  It's far safer to change your baby on a bed or on the floor than to change them on a table.  These are better used for storage than anything else.

Baby Bathtub
I admit that we have a baby bathtub for both our kids, but it's not something you have to have.  It's just as easy to bathe your baby in the kitchen sink.  It's all up to you whether you'd like to spend the extra $15-$20 for one.

Baby Carrier

Never ever get a baby carrier to use for a newborn.  There have been cases of infants suffocating in baby carriers because they were too young to hold their head up.  Only use a baby carrier if you're baby is old enough to hold their head up on their own.

Crib Bumpers
When you buy a crib set for your baby, if it includes a crib bumper, save it for when you're child is older..  The use of crib bumpers have been linked to SIDS deaths in infants.  Crib bumpers fall into the same SID risk factor category as pillows and stuffed animals.  

Bouncy Seats
I'm on the fence about this one.  Some babies may really enjoy these.  All they really seemed to do for my kids is to cause them to spit up.

Pack 'n Play
We had a Pack 'n Play with my son.  We used to let him sleep in it sometimes, but we really didn't use it for much else.  Unless you're going to be traveling a lot, you probably won't need one of these, unless you don't have a crib.  A Pack 'n Play can be a good substitute for a crib and you can take it down easier to make space if you want.

Hooded Towels
It's not really necessary to buy these.  Just be sure and bundle your baby up with a large towel and make sure to cover their head well when they get out of the bath.

So, there's my list.  It could be open for some debate.  What do you think are necessary or unnecessary item s for first time parents?

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